Keynote Speakers


The program is shaping up, with exciting presentations of speakers from CAEA, IAEA, ANS, ENS, AESJ, ANS and Framatome.

Opening session speakers:

● Shoujun WANG, President of Chinese Nuclear Society

● Wenjun MA,Vice President of China National Nuclear Corporation

Keynote Speakers:

● China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)

● Ki Seob Sim, Nuclear Fuel Engineering Specialist, of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, International Atomic Energy Agency

● Masahiko OSAKA, Deputy Director General, Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

● Hyun-gil KIM, the head of the LWR Fuel Technology Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

● Steven A. Arndt, Immediate Past President, American Nuclear Society

● Nico VOLLMER, ENS Board Member

● Lionel Gaiffe, Fuel Business Unit Senior Executive Vice President, Framatome

Visit our website to see information updates and learn more about the meeting.

The Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting (WRFPM) held in Asia is combined with the TopFuel Conference held in Europe and the LWR Fuel Performance Conference held in the United States to form the most influential conference in the field of nuclear fuel research in the world. WRFPM2023 covers all issues in the field of fuel performance research, including advances in water reactor fuel technology and testing, operation and experience, transient and off-normal fuel behavior and safety related issues, fuel cycle, used fuel storage and transportation, innovative fuel and related issues, fuel modelling, analysis and methodology.

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