The 2023 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting will be held on 17-21 July 2023, Xi'an, China. Commonly more than 300 experts from different countries and regions attended the meeting. Nuclear power renaissance in China is now on a fast track, and the Chinese Nuclear Society is honored to hold such a meeting to promote the academic exchanges among experts from around the world.
● Track 1 Advances in water reactor fuel technology and testing. Advances in fuel system design,manufacturing and
testing,improved fuel, cladding,structural and
functional materials development ,Mox fuel design
and manufacturing,new fuel design, test facilities,
Fuel qualification and licensing
● Track 2 Operation and experience. Fuel performance,reliability and operating experience,
flexible operation and core management,re-use after
transportation or storage,water chemistry and corrosion
counter measures,pool-side and hot-cell examination,
maintenance experience,high-burn experience, MOX
and reprocessed uranium fuel performance, irradiation
experience in test reactors, reload variability , fuel
assembly distortion
● Track 3 Transient and off-normal fuel behavior and safety related issues. Fuel behavior and safety criteria , pellet-cladding
interaction(PCI/PCMI/SCC), transient fission release,
cladding ballooning /burst experiment and modelling,
fuel behavior under extended loss of cooling, test
facilities and Experiments
● Track 4 Fuel cycle, used fuel storage and transportation. Closed fuel cycle, Fuel performance and characteristics
for transportation and storage,fuel behavior in dry
container, wet storage ponds and during transportation,
criticality,feedback from recycle and disposal, R&D
WRFPM 2023
2023 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting/
Top Fuel / LWR Fuel Performance Meeting
18-21 July 2023, Xi'an, China
● Track 5 Innovative fuel and related issues. Developing status and roadmap,New concept fuel,
Design and fabrication,economy ,core management,
experiment data and analysis,fuel test, qualification
and licensing,fuel cycle and back-end issues, fuel for
small reactor, deployment scenarios
● Track 6 Fuel modelling,analysis and methodology. Developing,verification and validation for modelling
codes, experiment data and modelling,qualification
and licensing for modelling codes , fuel behavior
modeling for normal, transient and off-normal operation,
irradiation effect and simulation, Statistical analysis
and numerical treatment of uncertainty, multiscale
modelling, multi-physics coupling, fuel degradation
Please note:
1. Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format. Abstract should be within 450 words with name, affiliation, country (nationality) and email information.
2. List references numerically at the end of the abstract, and use numbers in the text, enclosed within brackets.
3. The title of your abstract will be used as the title of your presentation in the preview program.
4. At least one author of accepted papers will be expected to register for the conference.
5. The contents of the abstract must include the objectives of the
study/investigation and the methodology used. It should also
briefly describe the main findings and their potential applications.
Sufficient information should be included for an independent
reviewer to determine its suitability for the conference.
● Deadline for abstract submission: April 14, 2023
● Deadline for draft paper submission: April 30, 2023
● Deadline for final paper: May 15, 2023